Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Together we stand strong and undivided

was at Barista and came across a very interesting conversation this evening. A group of friends got together and the conversation begun by loudly saying, "So, Satyam is gone"! What are you guys planning to do now? One of the group member (a Satyamite) was not in the habit to reply to lose talks, but in front of entire team.... the satyamite thought he needed to fix this guy's thought process. Therefore, the Satyamite asked him, as my military training has imbibed in me the habit to fight till last breadth.
Who says Satyam is gone when I am very much alive here and committed to create value on behalf of my company? . He shot back, Hello Mr., your chairman has resigned, you guys are facing financial turbulence and you still have a face to say that Satyam is not gone!
At this juncture, the Satyamite thought of replying to this guy in his own language. He asked him, Tell me, what will you do and where will you go if our country India was not there? He was not prepared for this level of thought and asked back, What a stupid question, How can India be gone, it is a country?
Satyamite asked him back., Country! What makes a country? Land? Economy? Our PrimeMinister? Our President? Our Geography? Or the PEOPLE? If our PM resigns, will you say India is gone? If our economy faces a slowdown, will you say India is gone? But yes, if the people of a country are lost for any reason, we will say that country has no meaning.
Who cares of vast land of Antarctica today which has just one permanent resident, Father Georgy? Which country does it belongs to? Why does not it has any government? Why does not it has any economy? Or, how many countries were there when humans used to hunt for food in pre-historic times?
Countries, Wealth, Infrastructures and booming economies are nothing but creations of efforts of PEOPLE, and they do not have any existance on their own. And the final blow was, When one man can create Satyam as an organization of 53,000 people, why not 53,000 committed people canrebuild one SATYAM? By now, everybody saw my point was well placed and he stood up and shook hands with me and murmured, Yaar, when I used to hear from my roommate who work in Satyam that EVERY SATYAMITE IS A LEADER, I used to laugh it off. Now, I know why! "

1 comment:

Basudeb Sen said...

Satyamite's response made real sense. Not because there is a chance that Satyam may yet survive thanks to Govt. nominated board or nationalised institutions bailing Satyam out of the liquidity crisis. Whether Satyam survives or not is immaterial. Satymites are the real assets. They are not lost. They have the capacity to deliver values that clients' need. And, they will deliver: maybe through the revived Satyam or a takenover Satyam merged with some other company or several companies that Satyamites may join or form. There were less than 10 out of the 53,000 that committed fraud or irresponsible act, but the overwhelming majority of Satyamites are honest, real assets who will be utilized to create value for clients and the shareholders.
The spirit of accepting challange to find solutions is the backbone IT and ITES industry: Satyamites are all from the same industry. They will all fight back using their skills and expertise and will prosper again. Evaporation of Rs5000-10,000 crore is only a loss of Rs 10 to Rs 5 lakhs per Satyamites: their average annual value creation is much higher. Satyamites will soon become Shivaites and Sundaram. God is with them: the temporary setback will soon give way to revival and growth for each Satymite.